Thursday, January 7, 2010

East Side Young Life: Update Report

Dear Friends,

I cannot express how overwhelmed, encouraged and humbled I have felt over the last four weeks. God has not only been faithful but has confirmed my call to the East Side of Santa Barbara. God has provided our goal of $20,000 and my posi
tion on Young Life staff is secure for the remainder of the year!! Our goal now is to raise the final $10,000 over the next few months for me to be fully funded for the fiscal year. If you would like help me reach my next goal, click the online giving button to the right.

I cannot thank you enough for your prayers, support and financial gifts that made this possible. I wish I could do more to thank each and every one of you who have prayed and supported this ministry since its start over two years ago. In those two years God has done some amazing things in my life and in the lives of kids on the East Side. It is a tremendous privilege to be able to walk along side some of these kids and to be with them as their hearts are changed.

YOU are a HUGE part of making those changes happen!

My wife and I thank you whole-heartedly for your generosity and love you have showed us! I cannot wait to see what God does in 2010. Happy New Year and Thank You!!

In Christ-

Felipe Contreras

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