Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Learning your ABC's

Almost every Wednesday night, I have campaigners with two or more of my Young Life girls. It usually consists of of dinner and conversation followed by a small devotional...that usually opens up the group to dig deeper.

Tonight, I had two girls. We went to Natural Cafe...and things we going as usual. I got to the point where I shared my devotional. It started it out like this...

Today didn't go as I planned. I missed my alarm because the volume was down on my phone. I woke up at the time I should have been walking out the door. Great!? Luckily, I had set out my clothes the night before, so I just threw on my clothes, brushed my teeth, set the timer on my coffee night before so I just had to pour it in my cups and go, and a hair tie and ran out the door. Yup, no makeup today. As I got in the car, I said out loud " this is not a good start to my day..." I decided right then to offer my day to God. "whatever happens today is yours". I got to work 2 minutes late and so began the busy day.

45 minutes into my work day, Felipe called me at work. He informed me that he got a call from his mom. The doctor had called her to tell her that they found two masses in her brain. They had caught it early and treatments would start soon. The "worried me" checked in and I was right back where I started. I caught myself thinking and started to pray that God would take control and do what He said He would do--that He would go before me.

I read to them about fear and told them that Jesus is our peace. I continued by saying that I'm glad that He goes before me. That I don't need to fear since He has written my story for me--he is the Victor. I felt the peace that He promised.

The conversation was all over the place from babies to homosexuality and finally led to "how do you know where you go when you die"? They looked at me with that "deer in the headlights" look. They didn't know--even as many times as we talked about it--they didn't know the answer. I took the opportunity to explain the ABC's of asking Jesus in their hearts. I explained that when I followed the ABC's, it changed everything about me for good. That I wanted to live my life for Him. I explained that Christianity is not just about being "good", but to share about Him--the "good news". I used a "Kelly analogy" and explained that it would be like me knowing that Victoria's Secret was having a sale on underwear, them NEEDING underwear, but then not telling them about the sale! (I try to keep things upbeat-just go with it) That's it though!

I could see them thinking through to piece it all together in their minds.

...I'd like to tell that I led them to Christ in the 3rd booth at Natural Cafe, but I didn't. I will just continue to walk with them and be the best example that I can of someone who chooses daily to serve God or myself.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A new December.

Christmas is actually not my favorite time of the year. I almost seems sacrilegious or something. I don't know why really. I have great memories of this time of the year... riding in the car with dad and my siblings as we drove through neighborhoods that looked like Christmas threw up on them--fake Florida snow and all. Mom has always made the best Christmas desserts that make you sneak back in the kitchen for more. When we were younger, it was about getting up early to open everything up AFTER the Christmas story was read. When we got a little older, it was a fight with the younger siblings to stay in bed longer--we finally figured out that the gifts will still be there even if we sleep in until 9. Even then, you didn't want to look ugly because Dad's taking video and pictures that ONE DAY we will all look back at these pictures and not want to look ridiculous. Gotta look good. The day was then split running from house to house...more like rolling yourself from house to house...eating good food all day. ...Maybe even close the day with a movie at the theater. Traditions.

This year has seemed a little different. I couldn't wait to put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving. I'm pretty sure once we got home from picking out "the perfect tree", we put it all together in about 15 minutes like we were in a race, but here it is. I know. There is not tree topper. I still haven't found one that I like so we won't have one until I do. It's OUR tradition that we have started that we will look forward to every year.

I'm reminded of what Christmas looked like to us last year. Scary. Felipe was on reduced salary for months and almost lost his job. We needed to raise $20,000 before the year was over. I was still working at the front desk--hating life. We had decided not to buy anything for each other in hopes to save money for whatever was going to happen next and move towards a debt-free life. It was my first Christmas away from "home". Dad was battling with cancer with a surgery soon to follow while my precious niece was having unexplained seizures...and I was 2500 miles away. Instead of it being a season of hope and joy, we were fearful and desperate for we waited.

We took blind leaps of faith. We prayed hard like couples should every day. We prayed for change. A vision. A renewed passion. Hope. We waited on the Lord and he heard our cry.

It's a new December.

Towards the end of last December, all of the funding came in for Felipe to keep his job and the ministry continues to expand. In January, I put in a request for transfer to a different department. By March, I was settled in a stress-free position which has dramatically changed our lives. In June, Felipe had a great experience with a different position at Washington Family Ranch (a Young Life camp in Oregon) doing "program" for the entire camp while I stayed at hope feeling pretty depressed. We learned that being away for that long should not be done and should not be replicated. --You live and learn. At the end of July, we took a great group of kids to camp at Woodleaf where new relationships and even old ones emerged. School began in August and so did club for the kids. New kids are in our lives. By the beginning of November, funding for Felipe was going well at full salary, in fact, good enough to give him a raise. ...And here we are to December.

We are so blessed. We are so thankful to see God's hand on our lives. It's been so great to see God's provision.

So...Merry Christmas.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Life is Precious.

True. Life is precious. It seems that lately, we have been challenged more and more with the Young Life students we are working with.

November 4th was the annual Young Life banquet. It's a pretty exciting time to involve students who are in Young Life to share with the community of people just what is going on....on top of it being a fundraiser to support what Felipe (we) is/are doing in Santa Barbara. That was also the night that my Young Life girls, Denise, told me she was pregnant. I felt devastated thinking I did something wrong. Maybe I wasn't around enough?! Maybe I should have said more!?!? ...But what was done was done. And so begins the story of my first teenage pregnancy.

The following day, Felipe got a call from Angel's PO. Long story short, Angel needed a place to stay for the weekend. While I was at work on Friday, Felipe went to pick him up in Santa Maria. (Angel has been in and out of juvenile hall and the boys camp for over a year now.) The weekend was like most weekends together...we just had an extra person with us all the time. It was eye opening because we had to be conscious of our activities. He played soccer with Felipe and the other Young Life leaders on Saturday morning, out to lunch with us, I made dinner, then out to a coffee shop for some music, followed by a movie downtown. Sunday morning breakfast was followed by "orphan Sunday" at our Church. It brought on good conversation later about who our Father is. I made a roast for lunch and then Angel and I ran on the beach for some exercise and to collect sea glass...Felipe took a nap in the car. (Angel says we walked more than we ran...he was probably right.) I loved watching him run around chasing birds...even throw rocks at them. I liked just watching him be a kid. Throughout the weekend, I found that I was trying to make things feel as homey as possible--cooking breakfast, asking him if he wanted to go somewhere, include him in conversations--anything.

Above is Jenny (another one of my YL girls) and Angel at the Young life club that followed his weekend with us. He currently lives with his Aunt and Uncle on the Eastside. That next week, Felipe and Angel ran around trying to get all his forms filled out so that he can hopefully be accepted in the Grizzly Youth Academy. The school starts in January and is a 5 1/2 month long school that is very similar to a boot camp. I also have another YL girl that will be going to the same school. It's a pretty intense school that teaches discipline, job skills, and gets them on track with their school credits to graduate on time.

Yesterday, I took Denise the Network Medical clinic. They confirmed her Pregnancy and followed it with her first sonogram. I felt privileged to be in the room with her during this important moment. She is 6 weeks into her pregnancy today. She got to see and hold a model in her hand of the size that her baby is currently. I feel like God is good through it all. Since she is only 6 weeks, she should be able to finish her Junior year of high school, have the baby in the summer, and be back in school for her Senior year. The school has great programs for teen moms including a daycare at the school. Denise's due date is on July 15, which happens to be my birthday. So exciting!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Maria's Quinceanera

It was my first time to a quinceanera. The day was long since Felipe volunteered to do the photography and videography along with some help from Phil.

We got to Maria's house around 9:30am. Her family was busy setting things up at the house for the after party. Her grandparents were watching old Spanish movies. Maria was in her bedroom getting her hair and makeup done with "Jersey Shores" playing on the TV as background entertainment. I watched with my bagel and coffee while Felipe started taking pictures.

Finally, she was ready to go. Her four chambelanes or escorts were waiting in the living room looking sly with their white suits on and matching watermelon colored vests. We had to be at the Holy Cross Catholic Church by 12 so we piled in our cars and were on our way.

There was a 10 piece mariachi all set up to play at the church. Other than Phil, I was positively the only white person there. ...Don't worry...I fit right in. I sat next to some of our other Young Life kids. It seemed a little strange to me that while these kids had been to these services numerous times, when I asked what was going on, they seemed to have no clue. It made the hour long service that much more hilarious along with it only being in Spanish. I was clueless. Stand up. Sit down... I just followed what they did minus some hand gestures.

During communion, I asked one of the girls, Jenny, why not everyone would go up to take communion. She quickly explained to me that you have to go through your "first communion",yada yada yada (some other things), "and you have to confess within a year". Having little knowledge of Catholic rituals and only a baptist background...along with being unable to resist a hilarious moment with this girl, I said "What do you mean 'confess'? Like go in that little room and confess to the priest that you know is on the other side of the wall and there is just that little gated window in between?" "YEAH! that one!" "Oh yeah! I've seen that in the movies!" That made her crack up. Maybe my timing wasn't so great because we were supposed to be being serious.

The service was over and the pictures began. Felipe and Phil took a lot of pictures with Maria's family and friends before we went to the Courthouse to take some more pictures of Maria and her escorts. I can't wait to see them! The pictures are going to be great!

For the rest of the evening, we ate, socialized, listened to the mariachi for about an hour, watched Maria's choreographed dance that she has been working on with her chambelanes, and ended the night with the cutting of the cake. We were exhausted and left around 9:30pm. What a full day!

I couldn't help, but think about my silly conversation with Jenny though. I really don't know anything about Catholicism. But I do know that the veil was torn a long time ago. I'm so glad that I can have a personal relationship with God. He knows me in and out--my deepest thoughts and secrets don't have to be told through a gated window. It made me think of this song:

Take me past the outer courts
Into the Holy Place
Past the brazen altar
Lord I want to see your face
Pass me by the crowds of people
And the Priests who sing your praise
I hunger and thirst for your righteousness
But it's only found in one place

Take me into the holy of holies
Take me in by the blood of the lamb
Take me into the holy of holies
Take the coal, touch my lips, here I am

Thank you, Jesus.

Monday, August 30, 2010

East Side UPDATE!

Many of you may have heard about the man who was killed at Arroyo Burro Beach, also known as Hendry’s Beach, in April of this year,. Police said that the man who committed the murder is a gang member. There was also an article in the NY Times about this tragic killing talking about exposing gang tensions in Santa Barbara. It talks about the 2008 Fourth of July stabbing and also about the 2007 death near Saks Fifth Avenue.
What caught my attention from the article was this, “Residents say the killing, both in its viciousness and its location, underscores the need for stronger law enforcement efforts against the town’s two gangs.” The article also mentioned residents asking the city to adopt a gang injunction that will make it difficult for gang members to congregate. There are over 600 active gang members on the east and west side of Santa Barbara. I believe more police would be a good thing, but would not solve the gang problem. One name came to mind, JESUS.

The last three years I have seen and heard the heart breaking stories of kids on the east side. Young Life has gone into the community to seek out those hurting kids. Some kids are in gangs and some not, but all hungry for something. That “something” is LOVE. I believe that pursuing kids on their turf, building relationship and showing them the Love of Christ is what is going to change the lives of kids.
This summer, I was able to take 10 boys to a Young Life camp called WoodLeaf. Four of the boys are actively involved in a gang on the East Side. It was one of the best but hardest weeks at camp I have ever had. The one thing that every single kid had in common was that they were all fatherless. All 10 boys do not have their father around because of divorce, imprisoned or abandoned. Each night we would have a cabin time and reflect on what the speaker had to said about Jesus. One of the highlights of camp was during one of our cabin times that lasted 3 hours! Some of the boys talked about how they didn’t believe in God because of all the hard and bad things that had happened to them in their life.
The most amazing moment was when Ruben and Carlos started sharing with the group. I met them when they were in 8th grade, now in 11th grade, nearly 4 years ago and God has changed their lives. That night during cabin time they shared their story because they wanted to let everyone know that God changed their path. Ruben shared about how God protected him while he was in a car and gun shots were fired at him. Several shots hit the car, he ducked down and another shot came through the window and hit right were he has sitting. He thanked God for watching over him and for changing his life. Carlos shared about how he was so close to joining a gang but because of God bringing Young Life into his life he changed his mind and life. It was a blessing to hear them tell their story to their friends in order to show them how the love of God changed their lives and HE could change theirs too. Thank you for all your prayers and support. God planted many seeds and I know he will continue to soften the hearts of the kids who are still searching. They all shared about the emptiness they feel, please pray that they would realize that only God can fill it and not the things of this world. THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR PRAYERS!
Here is a short video of our time at camp.
This summer I was on assignment in Oregon at a Young Life camp called Washington Family Ranch for about a month. I had the privilege of bringing fun and laughter to kids during a week where kids opened some deep stinging wounds in their lives. The bible says that, “Laughter does good like a medicine.” It a blessing to see over 800 or more kids coming to either meet Christ or return to Him! It was all worth dressing up and pretending to be a world renown stunt man called Tito Painsworth, a.k.a. T-Pain!
I was also able to take 3 young men along with me and they worked like they never worked before. Gio, Tony, and Carlos gave up a month of their summer to work for free. They wanted to be a part of giving a kid the best experience possible in order for them to meet Christ! During a special presentation by all the Work Crew, Carlos was able to share his testimony in front of over 700 kids his own age. God used his story to bring other kids closer to accepting the love that God offers.
Here is a link to the video of him sharing.
Please pray for these boys that they would continue to seek God and be positive leaders among their peers.
Over the last 3 years I have formed a special relationship with Angel. I have seen him make right decisions and unfortunately many wrong decisions. God spared his life after being stabbed during the summer of ’08 in a gang related fight. In the summer of ’09 he stood up in front of over 300 high school kids to say he had accepted Christ in to his life. He said “My name in Angel and I have joined God’s gang." This year he spent 8 months at Los Prietos Boys Camp for breaking his probation requirements. I was able to visit him 2 or 3 times a month. Every time I would visit him I would ask him about his future and if he still wanted to be in a gang. He always gave me the same answer, he did not want to leave his gang.
The last time a visited him right before he finished his time at the camp he said words that I never thought would come out of his mouth, he said. “I want to leave my gang, it’s the best thing for me.” This was an answer to prayer, but the next challenge for him is to follow through. His gang life is still deeply rooted in him. He now lives in Santa Maria with his father. He was able to go to WoodLeaf this summer and though it was a challenge God continued to speak into his life. Please pray that Angel would find a new identity in Christ! Pray that he would be set free from the lies of the enemy!

Thanks again for all you do for kids in our community!
Felipe Contreras

My wife and I at WoodLeaf!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Future Latino Leaders!

Here are some photos from our Latino Leadership Experience for High School students in our Young Life Region. These are kids who have leadership gifts and potential. It is a year long discipleship and leader training experience. We visited UCLA and USC this past weekend. The kids had a great time being shown around the two campuses. Pray that God would fully grab a hold of these kids for HIS glory!

Posing with the UCLA Bruin Bear!

USC Trojan!! Fight On!

At the USC Track!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

East Side Young Life: Update Report

Dear Friends,

I cannot express how overwhelmed, encouraged and humbled I have felt over the last four weeks. God has not only been faithful but has confirmed my call to the East Side of Santa Barbara. God has provided our goal of $20,000 and my posi
tion on Young Life staff is secure for the remainder of the year!! Our goal now is to raise the final $10,000 over the next few months for me to be fully funded for the fiscal year. If you would like help me reach my next goal, click the online giving button to the right.

I cannot thank you enough for your prayers, support and financial gifts that made this possible. I wish I could do more to thank each and every one of you who have prayed and supported this ministry since its start over two years ago. In those two years God has done some amazing things in my life and in the lives of kids on the East Side. It is a tremendous privilege to be able to walk along side some of these kids and to be with them as their hearts are changed.

YOU are a HUGE part of making those changes happen!

My wife and I thank you whole-heartedly for your generosity and love you have showed us! I cannot wait to see what God does in 2010. Happy New Year and Thank You!!

In Christ-

Felipe Contreras